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ESG Management

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A company that considers environmental and social impact of corporate activities on our society and strives to internalize ESG value by managing risks proactively

LOTTE rental will continue to make efforts to meet the expectations of stakeholders by incorporating ESG management under the vision of 'Mobility, Lifestyle Platform Leader' for sustainable management.

LOTTE rental aims to become a leading domestic ESG management company by establishing, implementing, and managing internal ESG management strategic tasks that exceed the guidelines of global initiatives and major domestic and foreign evaluation institutions.

ESG Management

  • Environment

    LOTTE rental recognizes eco-friendly management as an essential factor in creating better life for customers, and faithfully fulfills its role as a mobility company, such as expanding pollution-free vehicles and creating resource circulation ecosystem based on vehicle wastes.

  • Social

    LOTTE rental is striving to create a company that is beneficial to external stakeholders with internal stakeholders(employees) who recognize and practice the importance of change, challenge, empathy and cooperation. LOTTE rental is conducting business and organizational culture improvement and education for the satisfaction of internal stakeholders, and constantly considers and strives to move forward to a sustainable future with various external stakeholders such as partners, communities, shareholders, and investors.

  • Governance

    LOTTE rental strengthened ESG management by establishing an ESG committee within the board of directors. Transparent decision-making system was established by securing diversity, expertise, and independence of the board of directors under sound governance.
    In addition, we emphasize that ethics and compliance management are key factors for the company's continuous growth, and we are making great efforts to help the company move in the right direction.

LOTTE rental Statement on Environmental Management

We strive to pursue the sustainable development of humanity, and contribute to the enrichment of our individuals and communities.
In this regard, we set forth this “LOTTE Group Statement on Environmental Management” as standards of conduct,
performance, and ethics all of our officers and employees must comply with in the course of business operation and
management in order for LOTTE Group to focus on environmental values as a core element of business activities
and practice environmental management.

This Statement is based on the Constitution of the Republic of Korea and other applicable Korean laws,
including the Framework Act on Environmental Policy, and the Framework Act on Carbon Neutrality
and Green Growth for Coping With Climate Crisis, as well as international laws, including the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change and the Convention on Biological Diversity.

We commit to comply with this Statement and put our commitments into actions.

  • 1. We assist individuals and general public to enjoy their right to live in a healthy and pleasant environment, and are committed to environmental preservation in the course of business operation and management.
  • 2. We strive to prevent environmental pollution by complying with the Constitution of the Republic of Korea, as well as domestic and international environmental laws, and committing to meet internal environmental standards which are higher than those set forth by the law.
  • 3. We establish and implement an environmental management system (the process of which may include setting goals, establishing management plans, and forming relevant organizations) to manage our business in a manner to conserve and efficiently use resources and energy, to minimize greenhouse gas emissions and environmental pollution, and to fulfill social and ethical responsibilities (hereinafter referred to as “environmental management”).
  • 4. We, throughout the course of business activities, strive to use environmentally friendly raw materials and improve manufacturing processes, fundamentally reduce the emission of polluting substances through conservation of resources and promotion of recycling, and minimize the harmful impact to the environment caused by the use and disposal of products.
  • 5. We, with the understanding that the climate crisis affects all mankind, proactively join the government and international society’s efforts in suppressing the rise of the global average temperature, and strive to transition to a net zero carbon society.
  • 6. We, throughout the course of business activities and with the understanding that biodiversity is important, strive to utilize elements of biodiversity in a manner and speed that does not cause a decrease in biodiversity, and reduces negative impact on biodiversity.
  • 7. We strive to promote access to information for stakeholders by periodically and transparently disclosing information on the results of our environmental management, including greenhouse gas emissions, reductions thereof, and information on sustainable development.
  • 8. We strive to nurture strong partnerships with our business partners and to achieve mutual growth and development by establishing and executing measures to encourage our business partners to introduce and promote an environmental management system, including providing information on environmental management systems and results.
  • We pledge to do our utmost in implementing
    and advancing environmental
    management as set forth above.

    All officers and employees of LOTTE rental

ESG Rating of Major Assessment Institutions

Institution(s) 2023Y 2022Y 2021Y
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Sign Up for Key Initiatives

Declaration of Support for TCFD

(Sep. 2022)

TCFD(Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures): An initiative established in 2015 by the Financial Stability Board (FSB), a consultative body of finance ministers and central bank governors of 20 major countries, in line with the trend of strengthening disclosure obligations to respond to global climate change

Joined the anti-corruption pledge of BIS Summit

(Mar. 2022)

BIS: Anti-corruption Project for Joint Launch of Korea Association and Korea Social Responsibility Investment Forum (KoSIF)

Goals ∨
ㆍCreate anti-corruption environment by improving the legal system
ㆍStrengthen the compliance ethics management capabilities of companies
ㆍEstablishment of anti-corruption corporate culture

Joined UN Global Compact (UNGC)

(Dec. 2021)

UNGC: The world's largest voluntary corporate citizenship initiative under the UN recommends that 10 principles in human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption be incorporated into corporate operations and management strategies to join in improving sustainability and corporate citizenship

The 10 Principles of UNGC ∨

Human Rights

Principle 1. Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and
Principle 2. make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.


Principle 3. Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
Principle 4. the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;
Principle 5. the effective abolition of child labour; and
Principle 6. the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.


Principle 7. Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
Principle 8. undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and
Principle 9. encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.


Principle 10. Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

ISMS Certification

(July. 2021)

ISMS: A system that promotes the establishment and operation of information protection management systems by presenting standard models and standards for information protection management and certifies whether a series of activities for information protection meet objective certification criteria (Korea Internet Agency)

K-EV100 Declaration

(Mar. 2021)

K-EV100: A campaign for popularizing pollution-free vehicles and accelerating carbon neutrality in the transport sector by converting vehicles owned and leased by companies under the supervision of the Ministry of Environment to 100% electric and hydrogen vehicles by 2030

ESG Organization Status

LOTTE rental incorporates ESG perspective into its management activities and forms an ESG committee within the board of directors for the purpose of managing major risks and opportunity factors related to ESG.
In addition, the ESG Steering Committee has been organized and operated for the purpose of managing the implementation of mid- to long-term ESG strategic tasks established in the first half of 2022 and continuously discovering new tasks.

Sustainability Report

LOTTE rental will try to communicate transparently with stakeholders with the aim of creating the company’s will, effort, and sustainable future value for ESG management by publishing Sustainability Report every year.

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