CI(Corporate Identity)
The combination of LOTTE’s symbol with LOTTE rental’s logo.
The official representation of LOTTE rental that cannot be modified in any circumstances.
Korean CI
English CI
LOTTE Symbol

LOTTE’s new “Value Line” logo boldly illustrates its vision and its commitment to providing new and unexpected value in every moment of your life.
The new logo can be interpreted as any one of the three letters L, V, or C, which stand for Lifetime Value Creator. The dot represents the starting point of your life, while the line represents the path it will take together with LOTTE.
The round, diamond-shaped backdrop framing the symbol is modeled after the base of LOTTE World Tower.The symbol itself, which at first glance resembles an L, symbolizes LOTTE’s modesty, dynamic spirit, and originality.
BI(Brand Identity)
LOTTE rental’s brands that always beside customers to Create New Values.
LOTTE rent-a-car
Renting, Buying, or selling a car, everything needed for a car life.
LOTTE auto auction
Buy/Sell of used cars, operation of auction house and overseas export platform.
LOTTE auto lease
Handles all types of vehicles from trucks, scissors lift and special purpose vehicles
LOTTE auto care
Real-time IoT control system, operating 100% responsible maintenance system
Automobility Symbol

LOTTE rental’s Automobility business wants to provide originality and get closer to customers, this is the meaning indicated in the symbol L(Dynamic L).
Dynamic L includes ‘L’ for LOTTE and ‘R’ for rent-a-car, showing the shape of a car and road.
To represent it’s quick and accurate services provide to customer as Korea’s No. 1 brand.
LOTTE rent-a-car G car
Future Mobility, Connects Our Life