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Financial Information


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through transparent management

View annual financial statements

Condensed Financial Statement

Assets 67,031
Liabilities 53,337
Equity 13,694


(Unit: KRW 100 Million)
1st Quarter 6,569
2nd Quarter 6,962
3rd Quarter
4th Quarter
Cumulative Total for 13,531

Operating Profit

(Unit: KRW 100 Million)
1st Quarter 569
2nd Quarter 758
3rd Quarter
4th Quarter
Cumulative Total for 1,327

Statement of Profit and Loss

(Unit: KRW 100 Million)
Category 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Cumulative Total for
Operating Revenue 6,569 6,962 13,531
Operating Expense 6,000 6,204 12,204
Operating Profit (Loss) 569 758 1,327
Other Profit and Loss (20) (7) (27)
Financial Profit and Loss (296) (326) (622)
Net Profit (Loss) Before Tax 227 395 621
Current Net Profit (Loss) 162 327 490

Statement Of Financial Position

(Unit: KRW 100 Million)
Category End of March End of June End of September End of December
Current Assets 10,513 8,641
Non-Current Assets 57,221 58,389
Total Assets 67,734 67,031
Current Liabilities 24,312 26,171
Non-Current Liabilities 30,040 27,165
Total Liabilities 54,352 53,337
Total Equity 13,381 13,694
Total Liabilities and Equity 67,734 67,031

※Quarterly performance may result in some errors with the cumulative value.

Condensed Financial Statement

Assets 59,716
Liabilities 47,979
Equity 11,737


(Unit: KRW 100 Million)
1st Quarter 5,889
2nd Quarter 6,340
3rd Quarter
4th Quarter
Cumulative Total for 12,229

Operating Profit

(Unit: KRW 100 Million)
1st Quarter 521
2nd Quarter 700
3rd Quarter
4th Quarter
Cumulative Total for 1,220

Statement of Profit and Loss

(Unit: KRW 100 Million)
Category 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Cumulative Total for
Operating Revenue 5,889 6,340 12,229
Operating Expense 5,368 5,641 11,009
Operating Profit (Loss) 521 700 1,220
Other Profit and Loss (16) 3 (13)
Financial Profit and Loss (285) (316) (601)
Net Profit (Loss) Before Tax 220 387 606
Current Net Profit (Loss) 165 331 496

Statement Of Financial Position

(Unit: KRW 100 Million)
Category End of March End of June End of September End of December
Current Assets 7,839 6,439
Non-Current Assets 51,875 53,277
Total Assets 59,714 59,716
Current Liabilities 21,124 23,216
Non-Current Liabilities 27,172 24,763
Total Liabilities 48,296 47,979
Total Equity 11,418 11,737
Total Liabilities and Equity 59,714 59,716

※Quarterly performance may result in some errors with the cumulative value.
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