A company that fulfills its social responsibility for a fair market order
Lotte Rental introduces and operates Fair Trade Compliance Program for transparent and fair transactions throughout the industry
(Anti-Bribery Management System & Compliance Management System)
In addition to the ISO 37001(Anti-Bribery Management System) certification obtained in 2023, Lotte Rental has
successfully obtained in 2024 the ISO 37301 (Compliance Management System) certification by systematically
running the compliance management system.
We are delighted to have such official recognition on the reinforcement of Lotte Rental’s ethical management system.
- ∙ ISO 37001: Certification that the company has established and is operating an anti-bribery management system to
the level required by global society - ∙ ISO 37301: Certification that the company has established a system whereby it can identify,
control and manage compliance obligations in all areas of its business activities and management

ISO 37001 Certification

ISO 37301 Certification
1. All of our directors, officers and employees (“Lotte Rental Personnel”) will comply with all international and local anti-bribery laws and Lotte Rental’s internal anti-bribery policies.
2. Lotte Rental will establish and continuously improve internal anti-bribery policies and compliance management systems, due compliance of which will lead to the implementation of ethical and transparent management.
3. In case any Lotte Rental Personnel becomes aware of any violation of laws or internal policies, including any corruptive behavior, such person shall immediately report it to Lotte Rental. We will strictly protect the identity of the whistleblower and will not retaliate or treat such whistleblower unfairly.
4. Lotte Rental adopts a zero tolerance policy toward any violation of laws or internal policies, including any corruptive behavior by Lotte Rental Personnel.
5. Lotte Rental will make this policy publicly available and expand communication channels so that any changes in our business landscape and anti-bribery and compliance demands from our stakeholders can be timely reflected in our policies.
6. Our anti-bribery compliance officer will have independent responsibility and authority regarding anti-bribery and compliance management and provide advice and guidance to all Lotte Rental Personnel for the resolution of any relevant issues.
May 2024